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The purpose of this Regulation is to establish the rules for the OPEN CALL - CONVOCATORY PARATY IN FOCUS 2020, a cultural contest aimed at photographers, artists and photography lovers / practitioners, a promotion of the “GALERIA ZOOM DE FOTOGRAFIA DE PARATY LTDA”, creator of the INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL “PARATY EM FOCO”.   PEF 2020 OPEN CALL is one of the main events of “PARATY EM FOCO”, a Festival whose essence is to provide meetings on photography in the charming and welcoming setting of the city of Paraty. Our proposal with the OPEN CALL is to give visibility to new works and trends, inviting the selected winners to participate in the Festival through a large Exhibition to be held at “Praça da Igreja Matriz” (Matrix Church Square) and in the series of “Meetings and Interviews”, held at “Casa da Cultura” (Culture House), the main activity of the Festival.   Promoting new talents reaffirms our concept of placing the PEF 2020 OPEN CALL at the center of attention of the PARATY IN FOCUS INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL.

The exhibition to be held at “PARATY EM FOCO” will bring together the 10 finalists in the CATEGORIES ESSAY (or PORFTOLIO) and SINGLE IMAGE (or SINGLE PHOTO).    The first three placed in each of these categories will be invited to the Festival with all expenses for accommodation and meals in Paraty paid, in addition to presenting their work to the public in the series of “Meetings and Interviews”. This year, as already happened, those chosen by the Jury with Honorable Mentions will also be exposed.

1.1 The applicant must send his/her file(s) according to the rules of this Notice. Photographic projects will be accepted in TWO CATEGORIES, following the specifications established in item 2.6 PROJECT REGISTRATION.

1.2 In the category "ESSAY" (“PORTFOLIO”), whose theme is completely "FREE" (or "OPEN"), the author will send from 06 to 10 images, in color or monochrome, always focusing on the same specific theme at his own choice, however in a cohesive form and with an ordered set. The theme chosen by the participants for their ESSAY does not necessarily have to be the same theme defined for this year's Festival, which is: “EMERGENCY/PERMANENCE”.

1.3 In the category "SINGLE PHOTO" (or "SINGLE IMAGE"), the author must send from 01 to 04 photographs, also under a totally "FREE" theme, with images of different subjects, in color or monochrome, being allowed. evaluated separately and the quality of each one will not affect the evaluation of the others.

1.4 There is no limit to the number of registrations per participant. Any author can register as many times as he/she wants in each category, as long as he/she makes the respective payments.

1.5 The Festival Curatorship will have total freedom to include or not to include projects from the PARATY IN FOCUS 2020 OPEN CALL in the Festival program. The choice of space in which each work will be shown during the same, as well as the exhibition project and the technical specifications related to the program will be defined according to the Curatorship criteria, seeking a common understanding with the authors.


2.1 Registration of Participation to the OPEN CALL - CONVOCATORY will open on February First, 2020 and will close at 23:59 (Brasília. GMT -3), on September 20, 2020. (11:59 PM Brasilia, UTC -3)

2.2 To participate in OPEN CALL - CONVOCATORY “PARATY EM FOCO” 2020, a non-refundable registration fee of USD 25.00 (twenty-five dolars) will be charged, paid exclusively through PayPal and on behalf of (, “Galeria Zoom de Fotografia de Paraty Ltda”.  (We warn that, in cases where payments are made by third parties, on behalf of the participants, the names of the holders responsible for these payments must be duly informed on the Registration Form, when completing them).

2.3 The registration fees are collected to finance the logistical structure, the personnel involved in the entire process and, especially, the Exhibition to be held during the “FESTIVAL PARATY EM FOCO 2020”. The resources obtained with the Open Call are also invested in the increase of reach and effectiveness.

2.4 Entries will be made, solely and exclusively, through the internet, by clicking on the “ESSAY” and “SINGLE PHOTO” buttons found at the bottom of the Regulation page: convocatoria. Registration automatically implies acceptance of the terms of this Regulation.


         A - Fill in the Registration Form with your full name, your artistic pseudonym, if any, your complete home address, your e-mail address, also enter a personal phone number to contact and use the buttons to upload the images in JPG and to upload your biography in a .PDF or .DOC format.

         B - For registration in the "ESSAY" (“PORTFÓLIO”) category: send 06 to 10 photographs in .JPG format, 72 dpi resolution, with 1290 pixels on the large side. The file size cannot exceed 1 MB. Enter the TITLE of the ESSAY. Please include a .PDF or DOC file with a brief description of it.

         C - Registration in the "SINGLE PHOTO" category: upload 01 to 04 photographs in .JPG format, 72 dpi resolution, with 1290 pixels on the largest side. The file size must be a maximum of 1 MB. Prepare and send a mini biography of yourself.

Name each digital image file exactly as shown below:




        Example: john_doe_mountainsoftheearth_01_himalaya. (The numbering of images in the ESSAY / PORTFOLIO

        category is important to define the order in which they will be presented to the jury).



        Example: mary_anne_smith _01_notitle. (The numbering of images in the SINGLE IMAGE category is important

        in the pre-selection process).

        Note: Do not use signs or accents in the file name, nor use any of the following characters: \ | / ? : ” * > <

2.7 The proponents or their legal representatives are solely responsible for the visual quality and content of the files, as well as for the information sent and must be aware that this will depend on the evaluation of the projects.

2.8 After uploading, uploaded images cannot be changed. The PARATY IN FOCUS OPEN CALL team can request a supplement to the Registry, when applicable.


3.1 The first stage, with qualification and of an eliminatory nature, is coordinated by the production team of PORTFOLIO IN FOCUS OPEN CALL and will also consist in verifying the fulfillment of all the requirements of the Regulation: payment of registration, correct completion of the registration form and sending of the right requested material. Participants receive an automatic email confirming receipt of the form. Check your SPAM box if you don't see this message in your email inbox.

3.2 All qualified records go through a pre-selection process, carried out by members of the “Paraty em Foco” Open Call Team: Roberto Soares-Gomes and José Roberto Leite Pedroza (PEF 2020 Open Call Coordinators), Giancarlo Mecarelli (General Director), Juan Esteves (Curator) and André Teixeira (Photojournalist). All pre-selected works will be published on the official page of “FESTIVAL PARATY EM FOCO” ( and on the page of “CONVOCATÓRIA PORTFÓLIO EM FOCO 2020”, on Medium ( . The pre-selected works will be published and disseminated throughout the development of the OPEN CALL, which leads us to advise sending the material as soon as possible, avoiding leaving it for the last days, when there is a large volume of pre-selected publications . All pre-selected works are also published on our Facebook page ( and, gradually, on Instagram. Follow us and share.

3.3 After all entries have been completed and all pre-selected works have been published, the Award Jury (or Festival Jury) will meet the final result. The new members of the PEF 2020 Award Jury are: Sérgio Branco (SP), André Teixeira (RJ), Rubens Fernandes Jr (SP), Elza Lima (PA), Wilma Slomp (PR) e Wania Corredo (RJ).

3.4 This Jury will nominate 10 FINALISTS (with 3 WINNERS: first, second and third places) in the ESSAY and SINGLE PHOTO categories. They may also, at their sole discretion, select significant works by granting them Special Honorable Mentions.

3.5 The authors of the winning works invited to participate in the event, with the accommodation and food expenses paid by the Festival, cannot transfer this invitation and it is not possible to convert it into cash. If any of the guests are not available to attend on the date of the event, the invitation will be canceled.


4.1 The 10 FINALIST works in the two categories, ESSAY (PORTFOLIO) and SINGLE IMAGE, will be part of a prominent exhibition at the INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY FESTIVAL PARATY IN FOCUS 2020, which will be held from 21 to 25 October 2020. The winners will be exposed with great prominence in the Festival, in a great external and central space, of great visibility.

4.2 The 3 winners of the ESSAY (PORTFOLIO) and SINGLE PHOTO categories will be invited to participate in the “Paraty em Foco” Festival with all accommodation and food expenses in Paraty covered by the event organization.

In addition, the six winners will be invited to present their work to the public in the series of “Meetings and Interviews”, the main activity of the PEF.


5.1 By accepting to participate and sign this Open Call, the registered authors authorize the event organizers to use the images of the works registered in the following media, without any burden:

- Festival location indefinitely,

- Exhibitions and projections at “FESTIVAL PARATY EM FOCO”, at any time,

- Printed and / or electronic media, exclusively to promote the Festival, at any time,

- Catalogs and other advertising materials about “FESTIVAL PARATY EM FOCO”, at any time.

Note: The use of the photos granted to “FESTIVAL PARATY EM FOCO” does not in any way imply the loss of copyright on them and they can be used in any other context by the respective authors without the prior authorization of the Festival.

5.2 When applying for this Open Call, the applicant declares the full authorship of the works to be exhibited and the absence of plagiarism of registered works and / or projects, in addition to guaranteeing the authorization of third parties who happen to have related rights on the production artistic, being also responsible for any third party complaints related to unauthorized use.

5.3 Thus, it is established that the rights to use the image of the content sent are the sole responsibility of the proponent.

5.4 The event organizers undertake to include the credits due, in any and all insertion of the works.


6.1 The pre-selected and the finalists / winners will be announced on the “PARATY EM FOCO” website (, as well as on the PEF Facebook page ( and the Medium’s “CONVOCATÓRIA PARATY EM FOCO 2020” ( The pre-selected will be published as they are evaluated by the First Stage Jury.

The Final Result, with finalists and winners, will be published on Sunday  October 10, 2020.

It is the responsibility of the participants to follow the publications. Finalists will be contacted mainly by e-mail and, eventually, by telephone to send the “high resolution” files necessary for the preparation of the exhibition. Authors will have 7 consecutive days to make this submission, after the contact of the Festival Coordination.


7.1 Questions can be sent at any time to the following email:

7.2 The act of registration implies full agreement with the terms established here and all participants agree to disclose their works and their names in the disclosures directly related to the event, as well as in the program of exhibitions and projections of PARATY IN FOCUS, according to the curatorial criteria.

7.3 The jury's decisions are sovereign and cannot be appealed.

7.4 THE OPEN CALL PARATY IN FOCUS 2020 is an exclusively cultural event held by “Galeria Zoom de Fotografia de Paraty Ltda”., located at “Rua 7 de Setembro, 181 - Jabaquara. CEP: 27970-000. Paraty, RJ – Brasil”, registered with CNPJ 09.611.599 / 0001-74.

7.5 The district of Paraty / RJ is elected to resolve any objections to this Regulation or the conduct of the parties.







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