Curator PEF 2017 next to Giancarlo Mecarelli and Communication Coordinator.
With a degree in Journalism and Photography, he has a master's degree in Visual Arts at Unicamp (2007-2009), where he is currently developing doctoral research, started in 2012. He worked for eight years in the magazine Fotografe Melhor. She participated in the resident artist program of the École Nationale Supérieure de la Photographie (ENSP) in Arles, France, where she lived between 2009 and 2010.
In 2015, she participated in the Tiradentes Photography Festival and was selected for the IV Meeting of Thought and Reflection in Photography, accomplished in MIS-SP.
In the same year, in partnership with Fernando de Tacca, he curated the "Fotofilmes Brasileiros" show at the 26th São Paulo International Short Film Festival and at the 11th Paraty Festival in Focus, which resulted in the publication of a book edited by Sesc-SP And Kinoforum. He currently resides between Paris and São Paulo. He acts as a photographer, essayist and researcher in the areas of photography