© Maia Flore
Photography has the power of documenting and witnessing a moment. It is also a door into fiction, to the construction of new realities, the creation of new contexts and possibilities. It is an image that is real and virtual at the same time. A reliable and yet imaginary record. It is tangible yet fictitious.
Our wish is to let out these two dimensions of photography, mixed and balanced through the different views of our guests. Paraty em Foco 2017’s theme is “Photography: document and fiction”, which invites the participants to go on a trip into the universe of photographic imagery in its fundamental ambiguity.
PEF 2017 is paying homage to Flávio Damm, a photojournalist who went beyond factual limits and built a poetics inspired on the Bressonian decisive moment. In a context where photographs are not valued for their visual strength, captive to excessively abstract conceptual wandering, we propose a return to what truly matters.
In its 2016 edition, PEF went through a transformation that also represented a return to its origins. Last year’s theme, “A Festival for All Eyes”, has thus become the motto for the event. Our proposal follows the same path started at that moment: to bring high quality photography, of the most varied trends, to the public and to establish a space where photographers, artists, thinkers, amateurs and enthusiasts in general can meet and exchange experiences.
This is the spirit with which we make the invitation. Come, live and breathe photography in the lush setting of Paraty.

© Flavio Damm
© André Cypriano