With the #FUTURO theme, the 7th Paraty in Focus questioned the world that photography will find in the next few years. With a record number of 90 invited artists during five days of activity, the 2011 program brought 19 exhibitions, 15 meetings and interviews, 28 workshops, as well as projections, photo auction, book launches, virtual magazines and portfolios.
Possible future - Interview with Pieter Hugo, by Alexandre Belém and Georgia Quintas
Diário Contemporâneo - Interview with Roberta Carvalho and Ricardo Macedo, by Mariano Klautau
Natural selection - Interview with Claudia Jaguaribe and Caio Reisewitz, by Paula Alzugaray
Female Future - Interview with Olivia Arthur, by Georgia Quintas
Always future - Interview with Miguel Rio Branco, by Paulo Herkenhoff
Vento sul - Interview with Luiz Carlos Felizardo, Leopoldo Plentz and João Urban, by Osvaldo Santos Lima and Rubens Fernandes Junior
Collective action - Interview with Versus Photo, by Claudi Carreras
Photo Event Best 15 years - New photojournalism - Interview with Gustavo Pellizzon and Custódio Coimbra, by Sérgio Branco
Almost intimate - Interview with Evan Baden, by Felipe Russo
Future of the past - Interview with Eder Chiodetto and Maurício Lissovisky, by Livia Aquino
FOAM - What's next? - Interview with Constant Dullaart and Marcel Feil, by Eduardo Muylaert
Full immersion - Interview with Marcello Dantas, by Mozart Mesquita
Memory of the future - Interview with Patricia de Filippi, David Riecks, Sérgio Burgi, Carlos Carvalho and Clicio Barroso, by Geraldo Garcia
Dreams of Penelope - Interview with Penelope Umbrico, by Juliana Monachesis.
Olhar360, by Ayrton360
Natures made by Caio Reisewitz
Development of cultural and personal project, by Claudi Carreras
The book and the authorial work in photography, by Claudio Edinger
Deconditioning of the look, by Claudio Feijó
Apps for Photography, by Clicio Barroso
Photography + perfomance + video, by Constant Dullaart
Curating and editing of images, by Eder Chiodetto
My work is ready, and now ?, by Evan Baden
Static on the move - The portrait of the future, by Gallery Experience
Garapa Expedition - A multimedia experience in Serra do Mar, by Garapa Multimedia Collective
Deconstructing light: experimentation and practice, by Gui Mohallem
Label for photographers, by Isabel Amado
Photojournalism on TV - Intersection of languages, by João Wainer
About photography - Criticism and cultural journalism, by Juliana Monachesi
Body, by Kazuo Okubo
Lomography Gallery Store Istanbul - Lomowall submission!
National Geographic Experience, by Luciano Candisani
Always portrait, by Luiz Garrido
Intimate Spaces - Taking pictures of a family or someone at home, by Olivia Arthur
Appropriation - The internet as a file, by Penelope Umbrico
Looking aside - Authoring Projects, by Pieter Hugo
Guarani Expedition - The village in its time, by Renato Soares
Paraty inverted, by Ricardo Hantzschel
Fotopalavra, by Ricardo Hantzschel
Paraty from the inside out - A journey on the edge of the tourist circuit, by Versus Photo
Advertising photography - Survivor of the future, by Willy Biondani
The Healer as Creator, by Yasmina Reggad
Miguel Rio Branco @ Zoom Gallery in partnership with Instituto Moreira Salles
Fernanda Oliveira - The violet colors @ Capelinha [second floor]
Section 2.8 - Collective movement @ Casa do Festeiro
Dirceu Maués - Somewhere Alexanderplatz @ Casa da Pólvora
Lais Pontes - Born Nowhere @ Iphan's Gallery
Fernando Schmitt - Empty Things @ Mercadinho do Cais
ITAE Youth - Senior Citizens @ Patio Cultural House
Exhibition of works of the Auction @ Sala Casa da Cultura
Raquel Brust - Giganto @ Tapestry
Eduardo Muylarert + Helô Pinheiro + Betina Samaia + Marian Starosta - Visual testimonial @ Theater Espaço
Penelope Umbrico - Sunset Portraits + TVs from Craigslist @ Tent of Matrix
Tatewaki Nio - Sculpture of the Unconscious @ Trait Atelier
Environment in my community @ Secretary of Culture
Beyond assignment, by Adriana Zehbrauskas and Juan Esteves
Pixo, by João Wainer and Choque Photos
One Last Night, by Choque Photos
Perspective - Olhavê, by Alexandre Belém and Georgia Quintas
Interpreters, by Versus, Galeria Experiência e Garapa Multimedia Collective
Belém, by Marianao Klautau
Section 2.8, by Donizete Soares
The trace of an act, by Yasmina Reggad
Distant neighbors - Contemporary Chinese photography by Ângela Magalhães, Nadja Peregrino and Tiago Santana
Fotoclube, by Gisele Porcaro e Barbosa
Symbiosys, by Roberta Carvalho
Waving ocean + Youtube on the floor + Poser, by Constant Dullaart
Just another photograph, by Sarah Geras
Future / ongoing, by Filippo Minelli
Document non contractuel, by Mathieu Tremblin
Back to the future, by Irina Werning
Roulette scapes - a virtual city designed, by Coletivo IZP
Adriana Zehbrauskas
Alexandre Belém
Angela Magalhães
Caio Reisewitz
Carlos Carvalho
Choque Photos
Claudi Carreras
Claudia Jaguaribe
Claudio Edinger
Claudio Feijó
Coletivo Garapa
Coletivo IZP
Clicio Barroso
Constant Dullaart
Custodio Coimbra
David Riecks
Denise Leão
Dirceu Maués
Eder Chiodetto
Eduardo Muylaert
Eugênio Sávio
Evan Baden
Felipe Russo
Fernanda de Andrade
Fernanda Oliveira
Fernando Shimitt
Filippo Minelli
Galeria Experiência
Geórgia Quintas
Geraldo Garcia
Gisele Porcaro
Gui Mohallem
Gustavo Pellizzon
Hans Georg
Heloisa Amaral Peixoto
Iatã Cannabrava
Irina Werning
Isabel Amado
João Urban
João Wainer
Juliana Monachesi
Juan Esteves
Kazuo Okubo
Lais Pontes
Leopoldo Plentz
Lívia Aquino
Luciano Candisani
Luis Carlos Felizardo
Luiz Garrido
Marc Dumas
Marcel Feil
Marcello Dantas
Marian Starosta
Mariano Klautau
Mathieu Tremblin
Mauricio Lissovsky
Miguel Rio Branco
Mozart Mesquita
Nadja Peregrino
Ourivaldo Barbosa do Vale
Olivia Arthur
Osvaldo Santos Lima
Patricia de Filippi
Patricia Gouvêa
Paula Alzugaray
Paulo Herkenhoff
Pedro Martinelli
Penelope Umbrico
Pieter Hugo
Raquel Brust
Renato Soares
Ricardo Hantzschel
Ricardo Macedo
Roberta Carvalho
Rogério Nagaoka
Rubens Fernandes Junior
Sarah Gerats
Sérgio Branco
Sérgio Burgi
Tatewaki Nio
Taygoara Martins
Tiago Santana
Versus Photo
Willy Biondani
Yasmina Reggad
Leilão (artistas participantes)
Adriane Vasquez
Alberto Alves
Alexandre Sequeira
Angelo Paulino
Armando Prado
Avani Stein
Betina Samaia
Bob Wolfenson
Bruno Magalhães
Bruno Veiga
Chico Albuquerque
Choque Photos
Claudio Edinger
Cristiano Xavier
Daniel Malva
Dimitri Lee
Eduardo Muyalert
Fernando Donasci
Fifi Tong
Flavio Samelo
German Lorca
João Castilho
João Wainer
José Diniz
Juan Esteves
Julio Bittencourt
Leo Drumond
Leonardo Costa Braga
Luana Navarro
Luiz Abreu
Luiz Santos
Marcello Matos
Marcilio Gazzinelli
Training of junior reporters, by Claudia El Bayeh
Paraty Inverted, by Ricardo Hantzschel
Fotopalavra, by Ricardo Hantzschel and Tatiana Altberg
Stock photo - Hans Georg
Help Portrait - Fernanda de Andrade and Taygoara Martins
Face to Face - Marian Starosta
OFF Paraty em Foco - Patricia Gouveia
Luxuries - Rogerio Nagaoka
Photography as a Failed Act - Claudio Feijó
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