Fotografia erótica: desvendando um ensaio sensual, por Alex Korolkovas
Edição fotográfica: estratégias e desapego, por Alexandre Belém
Fotogourmet: produção de fotografia gastronômica, por Augusto Bartolomei
A aventura de um fotógrafo, por CIA de Foto
Descondicionamento do olhar, por Claudio Feijó
O fotolivro e a fotografia autoral, por Claudio Edinger
Através do espelho, por Cristina de Middel
Visão sem fronteiras, por Dario de Dominicis
Ateliê aberto de leitura de portfólio, por Eder Chiodetto
Imersão analógica, por Grupo Cidade Invertida
Paraty Invertida, por Grupo Cidade Invertida
Desconstruindo a luz – Experimentação e prática, por Gui Mohallem
Experiência National Geographic, por Luciano Candisani e Cristina Veit
Sempre retrato, por Luiz Garrido
Sharp Eye, Provocative Mind, por John Lou Miles
Produção multimídia para fotógrafos, por Jose Bautista
Fotografia e arquitetura, por Juan Esteves
Fotografia ao extremo, por Lourdes Grobet
Muito além da câmera, por Pep Bonet
Ética, técnica e estética, por Stephen Ferry
Com a cor e a coragem, por Walter Firmo
The Great Cube, or Tower of Babel [Erika Larsen, Roberto Tondopó, Guadalupe Miles, Calé, Thaísa Figueiredo, Myriam Meloni,
Ilona Szwarc, Christian Aslund, Wolfram Hahn and Laura Silleras, selected by convocation] @ Matrix Square
Cristina de Middel - The Afronauts @ Praça Santa Rita
Jorge Fuembuena - Portraits @ Pontal Beach
Lucha Libre - Family Portraits @ Tenda
Pat Lion - The author @ Streets of the Historic Center
Gui Mohallem - Tcharafna @ Tenda
Petrut Calinescu - The black sea @ Walls of the House of Culture
Jéssica Mangaba - Tipologia da pose @ Rua da Praia
Luísa Dörr - Entre Olhares @ Casa Paraty em Foco
João Miranda - Paraty shows your story @ Sesc Paraty
Pep Bonet - Bangladesh @ Photo Zoom Picture of Paraty
Media Ninja - Streets of June @ House of Culture of Paraty
Marco A.F. - Travel through the invisible line @ Casa Paraty em Foco
Rodrigo Alcon - (Rizoma) @ Streets of the Historic Center
Beto Pandiani and Igor bely - Atlantic Crossing @ IPHAN
Claudia Jaguaribe, Claudio Edinger, Felipe Morozini and Letícia Ramos - Collector's Program @ Casa Paraty em Foco
Young people from ITAE - Shipyards and wharves @ Casa da Cultura
Now: between the landscape and the duration, of CIA of Foto @ Capelinha
Do Elo, from Pangeia de Dois @ Matrix Square
The new Man from Bering, from Lourdes Grobet @ Praça da Matriz
Interactive videomapping with images of the Convocatoria em Foco @ Sesc Paraty
Show de likes – Erro99
Queimão fotográfico – Erro99
Paisagem alterada – O Escambal
Foto Escambo – Hans Georg
Foto 120 – O Escambal
Help portrait
Arqueologia do desejo – Alicia Peres
Alex Korolkovas
Alexandre Belém
Alvaro Uña
Augusto Bartolomei
Bernardo Carvalho
Beto Pandiani
Breno Rotatori
Cao Guimarães
Carlos Augusto Calil
Cassiano Elek Machado
César Charlone
Cia de Foto
Claudi Carreras
Claudio Edinger
Claudio Feijó
Cristina de Middel
Cristina Veit
Dario de Dominicis
Diógenes Moura
Eder Chiodetto
Eduardo Muylaert
Eduardo Saron
Frank Kalero
Guilherme Peters
Gui Mohallem
Jéssica Mangaba
John Lou Miles
Jose Bautista
Juan Esteves
Li Zhensheng
Lourdes Grobet
Luciano Candisani
Luiz Garrido
Mauricio Lissovsky
Formação de repórteres mirins
Paraty Invertida, por Ricardo Hantzschel
Nikon School
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The afronautas are coming - Interview with Cristina de Middel, by Cassiano Elek Machado
Inside the shadows - Interview with Pep Bonet and Jose Bautista, by Juan Esteves
Tips - Interview with Lourdes Grobet, by Claudi Carreras
Future of the present - Interview with Guilherme Peters, Pangeia de Dois and Jessica Mangaba by Eder Chiodetto
Promotion in focus: new actions to encourage the Visual Arts - Mesa with Adriana Rattes, Eduardo Saron and Thyago Nogueira
Strange intimacy - Gui Mohallem dialogues with Breno Rotatori
Photography in motion - Interview with Cesar Charlone, by Carlos Augusto Calil
Fotofagia - Cao Guimarães dialogues with Bernardo Carvalho
Violence Against the Wall - Interview with Stephen Ferry, by Eduardo Muylaert
Archive Rennó - Interview with Rosangela Rennó, by Thyago Nogueira
The duration of the landscape - Interview with CIA de Foto, by Mauricio Lissovsky
The guardian of history - Interview with Li Zhensheng, by Raul Juste Lores
The curatorship of the curatorship - Mesa with Claudi Carreras, Diógenes Moura and Rubens Fernandes Jr.
Assembly of the Great Cube / Tower of Babel in Paraty in Focus 2013 from Paraty in Focus on Vimeo.
In his 9a. Paraty em Foco 2013 has renewed its format in recent years by investing in the diversification of its activities in the search for new platforms
and spaces to display and discuss international photography. With the theme Extreme, the festival promoted outdoor exhibitions, temporary occupations, multimedia projections and interventions in various formats. In this edition, journalist Cassiano Elek Machado takes over the curatorship of the Meetings
and Interviews and the Catalan curator Claudi Carreras keeps ahead of the exhibitions, prioritizing interventions in public spaces in the Historic Center of Paraty and exploring new formats. The novelty of this edition was the strengthening of the multimedia platforms of the Festival. The activities were coordinated by a group of curators who carry out works of great repercussion in several countries around the world. They are: the São Paulo collective
Cia de Foto; The curator Claudi Carreras; Frank Kalero, curator of the PhotoQuai festival at the Quai Branly Museum; And the group of photographic organizers of the Photographic Museum of Humanity. The audience of the festival was estimated at 5 thousand people. There were 73 guests, of whom
62 are Brazilians and 11 are foreigners.